Buddy-Bear's Life Coaching Services


This website was written by Daniel Sprague for the purposes of the CIS 155 project.


V4 2019-06-14

This is the fourth and final version of the website. Within the HTML, the hiring and pricing info was moved to its own page, while the contact page gained a survey and dog videos. The survey is fairly simple with radio buttons for having previously used the service and a box to input improvement suggestions. The videos are an HTML5 media video and a Youtube embedded iframe. The header was also changed on every page to reflect the page changes.

The new CSS formats the spacing/sizing/layout of the form and videos, as well as some backgrounds, border, and shadows. The most noteable piece of CSS fades in the survey form on page load in order to draw attention to it and hopefully generate more interaction.

I opted not to do any major layout designs from previous versions as I kind of developed Stockholm Syndrome and ended up liking more of the way the website currently is.

The website has also moved to GitHub Pages and is now version tracked using Git while being backed up/remoted on Github.

V3 2019-05-25

This is the third version of the website. Within the HTML, a new "Contact" page was added. This page includes a table and some basic content. In future versions, this page will include more (hopefully a text input box if those are coming up). This page also got the new changelog entry that is being read right now! Some modifcations were made to the nav bar so that there is a pulldown menu and there is a different link to the biographies on mobile because the desktop one was too long. Beyond that, it was mainly the removal of the image map along with removals/additions of various id's and sections.

The CSS had the addition of a mobile layout. This included moving quite a bit of code to a desktop layout section, and creating the code that makes the mobile website more streamlined. A pulldown menu was added to the "Blog" button in the nav bar to directly go to individual blog posts. There were a few tweaks, including a horizontal dividing bar on the footer and increasing the margins on articles. The CSS code for tables was added, with the biggest thing being alternating colors for alternating rows of data and adding borders to some cells. Columns and horizontal bars dividing the individual changelogs were added on the "About" page. The aside on the blog is no longer fixed position, and is now a flexbox. When the page gets wide enough, the figures will now display side-by-side instead of being vertical.

Once again, I held off on major refactors/design tweaks on the website. Git branches should make refactoring significantly easier in case I mess anything up in the process (as I did once or twice trying to do the refactors I did) so I decided to try to hold off for that. As such, the color scheme will still need to be modified in future versions. It appears very bland on the mobile version, and there is lots of white space on the desktop site. More code need to be moved into the desktop media block in the CSS, as quite a few things only appear on the desktop site. A tablet mode should probably also be added, as the site doesn't behave too well between widths of 400 and 800 pixels. I would also like to make it such that the body of every page will be at least the height of the browser window and still look okay. I was able to make it go from top to bottom, but the footer and spacing looked weirder than the page ending part way down. There is also some wackiness regarding the pulldown menu. If I choose to keep the menu in the final version, I would like to figure out exactly what is happening there. The positioning is slightly off, and the width appears to be a percentage of the entire body even though its parent also has a width set that the submenu should use as its width basing.

V2 2019-05-11

This is the second version of the website. The biggest addition in this version is the Blog page (blog.html). Note much content was changed on the home page. A few things were removed from the first version due to just fulfilling requirements or becoming redundant (most notably a picture of Lulu). The Home page should get a makeover before the final edition, but it didn't make a ton of sense to do that now when a lot of new tools may be learned in V3 and V4 to overhaul the Home page once again. The only significant change to the About page is the addition of this changelog entry. The Blog HTML doesn't have anything too extraordinary in comparison to the HTML created for other pages in V1. A lot of it is marked with classes or IDs to reference in the CSS and it does make significant use of figures.

The CSS did get a fair overhaul. The first thing was creating a reset.css to create some base things (mainly making sure everything was set as a border box) to ensure consistency across browsers. A lot of old CSS was ripped out from the stylesheet. Some of this CSS was weird coloring stuff or minor changes in order to fulfill requirements, and some of it was just changed (e.g. the styling for the nav ul was completely changed due to now being able to float the li's). I also added some organization to the main CSS stylesheet (styles.css) as it was getting annoying to work with the styles all scattered about. A lot of manipulation was done with borders and margins/padding in this version. The browser developer tools were massively helpful with this. Almost nothing specific to the Home and About pages occured except for making sure that everything generally worked okay when changes were made to the CSS to modify things on the Blog page. The Blog page got a lot of CSS work done. A lot of it lies in the layout. The aside is an "About the Authors" section that is fixed, with the main article being the blog posts. The aside being fixed did cause a few issues, creating a lot of manipulation regarding the height, width, and margin. Beyond that, a lot of the modifications were little things like rounding a border or editing the background. There is some mild manipulation with the placement and the transparency of the images in the aside as well.

In the future, some more CSS clean-up should be done. Some of the code isn't very clean and could be made more specific, and there are probably some unnecessary lines from experimentation that never got removed. Creating the Biography and Contact pages should also happen. The About and Home pages should also get a makeover at some point. The lines seem far too wide right now, making things a bit harder to read. Some of the layout does get messed up with much smaller or much larger screens (I am developing on a 1920x1080 monitor) so that will also need to be fixed eventually.

V1 2019-04-23

This is the first version of the website. In this iteration, there are only two pages: Home (index.html) and About (about.html). The content is fairly bare, with little extra content than required at the moment due to general busy-ness. There is the list of life improvements, a picture of Buster and Lulu, and a basic biography of each on the frontpage. There is a single acknowledgement on this page, and then this very changelog for V1 that you are reading right now. Across the website, there is a footer with a basic address and the header navigation bar with the two links to the two pages and the title of the overall site. There is also an ordered list. I am not too sure if it should stay in its current location, but it is there for now. A lot of the design is quite bad due to mainly trying to fulfill the rules rather than thinking of layout and design at the moment.

The CSS creates several changes to the layout of the site. The main things were color and centering headers. Before, none of the headers were centered. But after, now the h2 and h3's are all centered. Before, none of the background was colored but now it's a cool greenish-grayish-blue. I also was able to modify the look of a link in the Shout-outs/Acknowledgments section of this page.


The Twitter account Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings), ran by Matt Nelson, was used as inspiration for some of the vibes involving dogs. Also shout-out to that page for being generally fun.